:: CHAPTER 01 ::




The first chapter began with Fetus being banished from his planet and coming to earth to find a new home. The garments took inspiration from his travel and species and cultures he interacted with along the way.

The first chapter began with Fetus being banished from his planet and coming to earth to find a new home. The garments took inspiration from his travel and species and cultures he interacted with along the way.

The first chapter began with Fetus being banished from his planet and coming to earth to find a new home. The garments took inspiration from his travel and species and cultures he interacted with along the way.

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all rights reserved 2024

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lore.byfetus.com is in beta.
If you enjoy writing sci-fi and want to expand the Fetus universe, or if you spot any inconsistencies, email us:


copyright owned by fetus
all rights reserved 2024

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lore.byfetus.com is in beta.
If you enjoy writing sci-fi and want to expand the Fetus universe, or if you spot any inconsistencies, email us:


copyright owned by fetus
all rights reserved 2024